วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

* Google map and street view for travel in Thailand

Google map and street view for travel in Thailand 

   Thailand has many interesting place to visit. By the way, the high technologies of Google that developed for help us can find map of place that we want to see. It 's just easy to click, you can see every where of Thailand by Google map. But not only that, now you can use Google street view for looking in Bangkok Chiangmai and Phuket. Let's go!!

How to use Google map for find destination in Thailand

1. Click your mouse at the position on the map and drag it for slide up or down for find place that you want to see.

2. On the top right hand side, you can choose type of map.

3. Press + or - on the left hand side for zoom in or zoom out.

4. Hope you enjoy with the Thailand travel site.


